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sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Australia reconoce Pisco Peruano

Peru: Pisco is not exclusively a Chilean product says Australia

According to Australia's ambassador to Chile Crispin Conroy, Australia has not recognized Pisco as an exclusive product of Chile in the recently-signed free trade agreement between both countries, the Peruvian Foreign Ministry said today."Australian ambassador Crispin Conroy called me this morning to clarify that the information reported by some Chilean media has been a manipulation of the bilateral agreement with Chile," said Peruvian deputy foreign minister, Gonzalo Gutierrez.Therefore, Gutierrez pointed out that in the coming hours the Australian government will issue a written statement clarifying this issue.Gutierrez explained that Chilean liquor company, Capel, wanted to surprise the public by stating that the trade agreement signed between Australia and Chile recognizes only the "pisco" denomination as a beverage of Chilean origin.Capel general manager, Roberto Salinas, said yesterday that the signing of the free trade agreement authorizes only the sale of Pisco produced in Chile.“According to the Australian ambassador's explanation, this information is absolutely false, since the Chile-Australia bilateral agreement establishes that Chileans are able to sell in Australia a product that is specifically called "Chilean pisco", said Gutierrez.
News source: ANDINA

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