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martes, 22 de julio de 2008

Exportacion de Pisco se triplica en Peru

Peru's Pisco catching up to Chilean exports

Peruvian pisco is catching up to Chilean exports since Peru’s production has almost doubled in the last three years, according to Chilean newspaper El Mercurio. It stated Peruvians are extremely optimistic about its pisco industry’s results this year, especially after pisco exports totaled 1.03 billion dollars in 2007, very close to Chilean exports, which amounted 1.36 billion dollars.El Mercurio quoted statements to Peru’s daily El Comercio made by the executive director of the Control Board of Denomination of Origin, Jose Mosquillaza’s , saying that Peruvian pisco exports in 2008 should catch up with Chile’s and, exceed them in 2009.El Mercurio digital version, Emol, also quoted Chilean business leaders’ statements such as the one made by the general manager of Pisco Capel, Roberto Salinas, about what they consider an "onslaught" from Peru."It’s good news that Peru is performing so well. The more pisco is promoted worldwide, the better for everybody", he said.Chilean producers emphasize pisco promotion as one of the main strategies to face Peru’s increasing production, says Chilean daily."We are taking some measures to promote Chilean pisco abroad, because until now we have been making specific sales, which are not really exports", said Fernando Herrera, the manager of the Association of Pisco Producers, which brings together almost all the entire industry, including Capel, and Compañía Pisquera de Chile.Currently, the strategy for maintaining people’s preferences is to work on a "country image" focused on pisco, said the association.Meanwhile, local producers support the idea acknowledging that Peru has done a very good job to place many of its products abroad, being the "pisco, the star", they say.Salinas highlighted the importance of the public and private join work. The support of the Chilean government should be focused on international trade fairs, according to the executive. "We could support a government's platform to showcase products", he concludes.
News source: ANDINA

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